Friday, September 19, 2014

The Female Singer You Most Wish You Could Sound Like

What female singer's voice would you most like to have? This is a different question than "who has the best female voice ever?" Some of the greatest vocalists have most distinct voices that may not suit your needs. Like, can you imagine Amy Winehouse singing "Sk8er Boi"? Or Whitney Houston singing a Dolly Parton song? ...What famous woman singer do YOU wish you could sound like? Say you can steal any voice like Ursula steals Ariel's. Whose would be the most fun to whip out at parties? Which would best equip you to sing your favorite songs? Which is the most versatile? Which would make you the most money? 

 When you're done here, go vote on the same question for men: What male singing voice do you most wish you had?

The Female Singer You Most Wish You Could Sound Like

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