Friday, September 19, 2014

Best Months of the Year | Top Seasons

All of the months of the year: ranked from best to worst by The Internet. People get weirdly passionate about which month of the year is the best. It makes sense if you think about it--the best months of the year are tied to specific activities and events, so your preference for a certain month or season is totally dependent on what you are into. For example, if you love the sunshine, hate working out and secretly dread spending extended periods of time with your family, you probably don't love the winter months. But you already knew that. Many people who love food and cool weather love fall (check out this list of The Best Things About Fall for proof.) And nearly everyone loves summer, if not for the warm weather, then for the almost-guaranteed time off. But can you choose one month that is better than all of the others? 

Since choosing the best month of the year is so subjective, we've provided a few pros and cons for each entry. Vote on your favorite months and downvote the ones you could do without. Now we'll throw it to you: What is the best month of the year? Vote and leave comments if you have reasons for loving a month that are not listed and we'll add them to the descriptions.

All of the Months of the Year, Ranked

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