Saturday, September 20, 2014

Rock and Roll Skimmin’ in Asia

Dubai is a city on the grow. It hit a kind of lull when the global economic fart happened a couple years ago, but they’re gonna get back up there eventually. And when they do, there’s going to be booming like never before. Population density insanity. And they’re right by the water. Thus, the possibility for artificial islands seems utterly super. Thus, the need for aquatic transport rises. Thus, it’s time to design more Kite Surfers! Thus, Jiwon Jung comes in and pumps out a wild one!

According to Jung, the construction, cost, and amount of materials needed to make sailboats and motor yachts is just to great for our ever-greening future population. Therefor, Jung proposes kite surfing to be the way of the future. Wind as the driving force, this totally inexpensive mode of rocking is sure to be caught.
Here Jung presents a three-seat hydrofoil with a center driving position and a sweeping cantilevered glass roof with exposed rear deck.
Perfect for grilling whilst speeding!
This project is done in conjunction with the GM Europe design center.
Designer: Jiwon Jung

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