Friday, September 19, 2014

NYC Helmet, I’m Giddy With Excitement

Commissioned by the city of New York, the NYC Bike Helmet is designed with every rider, every season and a greener environment in mind. The modular system has a protective polystyrene inner shell and a soft fabric outer cover with integrated straps. Each owner can customize and personalize the outer cover, which easily separates from the protective shell for better storage and cleaning.

Giddy much? I know I am. I’ve been looking for a helmet for ages since I started bicycling for fun. I’m just an urban commuter so I don’t need the slick aerodynamics found in many helmets, not to mention helmet hair is not cool. This one seems to provide adequate protection without making me look like a poser. I’m also surprised by the number of high profile designers involved in the project. Somebody, anybody – send me one please?
Designers: Yves Béhar, Josh Morenstein, Nick Cronan, Matt Swinton, & Giuseppe Della Salle of fuseproject
NYC Helmet for Cyclists by Yves Béhar, Josh Morenstein, Nick Cronan, Matt Swinton, & Giuseppe Della Salle of fuseproject


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