Friday, September 19, 2014

Cute Baby Animals List | Most Adorable Baby Animal Photos

Adorable baby animals: Everyone loves them. But which young animals are actually the cutest? Until now, science has had no way to decide... But if you vote for the sweetest, most cuddly, most adorable baby animals on this CrowdRanked list - and make a list with your own suggestions - perhaps we can finally get an answer.

What makes certain baby animals so cute? Some have argued it's having facial symmetry, or proportionally larger eyes. Others may cite the degree of difference between the species appearance as an adult vs. in infancy (as with, for example, the hippopotamus.) Fortunately, the Internet is a massive and valuable resource for finding cute baby animal photos, so we should have little trouble narrowing down the field.

For more cute, check out the 20 Greatest Babies in Internet History.

The Cutest Baby Animals

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