Saturday, September 20, 2014

90% Magnetic Scissors

90% of the force used for cutting is sourced from the magnetic power, and 10% comes from your end. Cutting endge!:)


Coke Camera


Jessica Alba At Christian Dior Couture Fashion Show


Cool campaign from American Express

There are 3 beautiful commercials that follow the concept “It’s not just a card, it’s your canvas,” toying with the idea of the ZYNC not just a card, but a blank canvas waiting for you to apply your style in it

Raise Up Your Safety – Snowboard Design With OLED Safety Light by Jung Hoon Lee, Jung Eun Kim and Hyun Min Lee » Yanko Design

Raise Safety Quotient While Snowboarding

Daredevil acts while snowboarding offer their fare share of thrills, however one can never be too cautions and thus accidents occur! In such an event, especially when it’s getting closer to sunset, the friendly slopes soon turn hostile and every bit of survival skills need to be harnessed. Keeping this situation in mind, the trio designers have conceptualized a snowboard/post with an OLED Safety Light embedded into the surface. The light is easily activated and is incorporated in such a way that it doesn’t cause any hindrance during snowboarding or run the risk of breaking. A simply superb idea!

Raise Up Your Safety is an IDEA 2011 entry.
Designers: Jung Hoon Lee, Jung Eun Kim and Hyun Min Lee

Oluk Coffee Cup Saucer Design by Erdem Selek » Yanko Design

Coffeemaze! Better Than Any Gaming

The thing with addiction to games is that you tend to find ways and means to include them in your daily routine. Like if you have a phone, you’ll download games and play on it. Same goes with computers and I needn’t mention the obvious: gaming consoles! The question is how do you satisfy your addiction on a coffee break? “Oluk”! Not your conventional coffee set, but a saucy saucer with a maze, so that you can immerse yourself into ‘chasing-the-coffee-drop-game!’

Designer: Erdem Selek

Tactile Silicon Case for the iPhone 3g by Bruno Fosi » Yanko Design

This iPhone is “Touchier” Than Most

As wonderful as the iPhone is, it leaves out anyone visually impaired. This Silicon Touch iPhone case works in tandem with an app to allow special accessibility functions like text to speech and moon type tactile feedback. The case is engraved with modified bas-relief buttons each corresponding to a modified home screen on the iPhone. None of the phone’s functions are compromised. Multi-touch and finger flick scrolling are all intact. BRILLIANT!
Designer: Bruno Fosi

Climatology Tower by Yuan-Sung Hsiao, Yuko Ochiai, Jia-Wei Liu, & Hung-Lin Hsieh » Yanko Design

City-Purifying Tower

If you feel ill, you seek medical help… right? So why not provide our “sick” and polluted urban environments with the same attention? The Climatology Tower was designed as a research center that evaluates urban meteorology and corrects the environment with technological engineering. Look at it like a giant humidifier/air-purifier for your city. It also monitors things like radiation, insolation and thermal coverage, notifying the public for awareness and city departments to help maintain healthier environments.
Designers: Yuan-Sung Hsiao, Yuko Ochiai, Jia-Wei Liu, & Hung-Lin Hsieh

Rock and Roll Skimmin’ in Asia

Dubai is a city on the grow. It hit a kind of lull when the global economic fart happened a couple years ago, but they’re gonna get back up there eventually. And when they do, there’s going to be booming like never before. Population density insanity. And they’re right by the water. Thus, the possibility for artificial islands seems utterly super. Thus, the need for aquatic transport rises. Thus, it’s time to design more Kite Surfers! Thus, Jiwon Jung comes in and pumps out a wild one!

According to Jung, the construction, cost, and amount of materials needed to make sailboats and motor yachts is just to great for our ever-greening future population. Therefor, Jung proposes kite surfing to be the way of the future. Wind as the driving force, this totally inexpensive mode of rocking is sure to be caught.
Here Jung presents a three-seat hydrofoil with a center driving position and a sweeping cantilevered glass roof with exposed rear deck.
Perfect for grilling whilst speeding!
This project is done in conjunction with the GM Europe design center.
Designer: Jiwon Jung

The Webble Review, Footrest for Happy Feet!

We wrote about the Webble Active Footrest by BriteObjects last year. Since then we’ve received quite a few inquires about its purpose and effectiveness. We’re happy to announce the Webble is now market ready and on sale. We’ve been using one for about a month so if you’ve got happy feet and want to know if Webble can make them even happier, check out our review after the jump.

First lets explain what the Webble is since there’s been confusion. It’s a footrest on wheels. That’s the gist of it. How it works, the patented technology inside it, and health benefits are variables that make it more than an ordinary footrest and one that not only looks good but delivers on its promise.
At the core of the idea is the concept of wellness. Webble bases much of its inspiration from decades of research into the physiological benefits of increased leg activity while seated. I work hours on end seated, sometimes without moving my legs. The Webble strangly encourages me to constantly shift them around. To clarify, we’re not talking about restless leg syndrome nor is this a treatment for it. This is about giving your legs something to do. The Webble sits on four wheels allowing smooth movement from almost any direction, given the limitations of the human hip. There are also springs inside to let your feet bounce up and down. The cushion is made of a dense foam or cellulose material, covered in mesh netting.
What we liked
  • I hadn’t realized it before but sitting with my feet flat and slightly elevated made sitting for hours a little more comfortable. I even noticed a little less strain in my lower back.
  • The Webble is very well built. Sturdy plastic with an awesome cushioning system.
  • The wheels move oh so silky on both smooth and carpeted surfaces. The springs have just enough tension in them for a little bounce.
  • The weight seems to be evenly distributed. It never felt like it wanted to flip over from all the bouncing and moving I was doing.
  • Big or little feet. This is one size fits all. I wear a size 11 (yes those are my shoes) and my office mates range from a 6 womens – 13 mens (U.S. sizes).
  • Very sleek. After all this is a design blog. Love the way it looks.
What could be improved
  • It’s inevitable for a footrest to get quite dirty. Shoes track all kinds of nasty grit and grime. There doesn’t seem to be an easy way to clean the foam cushion with the netting over it. One would have to dismantle the Webble to properly spot clean it.
  • It’s a bit noisy on hardwood and concrete floors.
Priced at $199 and available in 3 colors (red, black, silver), the Webble isn’t exactly cheap. It may be hard to convince consumers to spend that kind of money on a footrest. It’s key to remember this is a product that follows the “try it” ethos. You’d be surprise how much you’ll like it. Several of my office mates tried it and found it “fun and relaxing”. Even the office dogs liked it. If any of you do purchase one, please let us know what you think.
On a side note, huge congratulations to BriteObjects on finally launching the Webble. It’s always awesome to see concepts make it to market. Good luck guys!
Designer: BriteObjects [ Buy It Here ]

Raise Up Your Safety – Snowboard Design With OLED Safety Light by Jung Hoon Lee, Jung Eun Kim and Hyun Min Lee » Yanko Design

Raise Safety Quotient While Snowboarding

Daredevil acts while snowboarding offer their fare share of thrills, however one can never be too cautions and thus accidents occur! In such an event, especially when it’s getting closer to sunset, the friendly slopes soon turn hostile and every bit of survival skills need to be harnessed. Keeping this situation in mind, the trio designers have conceptualized a snowboard/post with an OLED Safety Light embedded into the surface. The light is easily activated and is incorporated in such a way that it doesn’t cause any hindrance during snowboarding or run the risk of breaking. A simply superb idea!

Raise Up Your Safety is an IDEA 2011 entry.
Designers: Jung Hoon Lee, Jung Eun Kim and Hyun Min Lee

50 Best Free iPhone Apps for 2014 |

50 Best Free iPhone Apps
The 50 mobile apps that made the cut for this list of the best free iPhone apps have shown outstanding performance, or have been well received by a wide variety of users, and are free. Here, "free" means free. No gimmicks, no "membership required." Free. Period.
While there are plenty of best-in-class free apps, many more are duds, and you don't want to waste your time deciding which is which. We at PCMag sort through hundreds of apps a year(thousands if you count those we check out for reference but don't actually review) looking for those special apps that work well or accomplish some feat you didn't even know you needed done, but also don't cost a dime.
Missing from this list are apps and features that come pre-installed on the iPhone, although they are certainly not to be ignored. In particular, Apple's apps for iTunes, Music, and the App Store typically see a great deal of well-deserved usage. But you technically paid for them because you bought the phone, so they're not really free, are they? In any case, you don't need to choose to download them, so we're not listing them here.
Games aren't heavily featured on this list in part because a lot of the best ones aren't free. For more iPhone game recommendations, including paid apps, see The 30 Best iPhone Games.

Natural Energy Park

The Natural Energy Park is an interactive playground that teaches children the importance of renewable energy and how we can use resources optimally. Importance of Solar, wind, and tidal power are taught in the play-way method. The project intends to showcase these ecological alternative energies to children through a number of eco-friendly play apparatuses. In addition, some simple scientific principles are illustrated through interactive installations.

by Hyundai Engineering & Construction- You Song Young, Jin Soo Yeon, Ahn Ho Sang, Lee Sung Jae

Mission Impossible

So many hands!

Feeling Time Hot & Cold!

The Rub Feel Know is a concept watch for the visually impaired and it tells the time in a very unique way. The hour circle and minute circles have different shapes so that they are intuitively distinguished. Plus both the circles maintain different temperatures, just to be double sure. The hour circle is warmer and minute circle is colder.

Larger concave circle in the watch is hour circle maintaining a temperature of 37 degrees C, which feels relatively warm and thus intuitively indicates the exact hour of time.
Smaller convex circle in the watch is minute circle maintaining a temperature of 12 degrees C, which feels relatively cold and thus intuitively indicates the exact minute of time.