Saturday, December 11, 2010

Nice Concept

Using the Mobius strip as a metaphor for the circulation of humans in the city, the Mobius Strip Lamp integrates several functions – vehicle and pedestrian signals, and a street lamp – to reduce clutter and visual distraction on the streets.

As visual clutter increases in cities, so too can confusion and disorientation for drivers and pedestrians. An increase in the number of car accidents can result. Integrating vehicle signals, pedestrian signals, and a street lamp,Mobius Strip Lamp rearranges some vital components of the city into a single installation. The Mobius strip was used as a metaphor for the circulation of humans in the city.
The vehicle signals are shown on the uppermost horizontal display panel. The go, caution, and stop signals are displayed with green, orange, and red light, along with the remaining time. The pedestrian signals are shown on the vertical panel. As the time remaining for pedestrians to cross the street decreases, so too does the size of the coloured light block. The street lamp provides drivers with excellent visibility of the pedestrian crossing.

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