Monday, November 29, 2010

iPhone 5 What Features Will it Have ???

You may be thinking? iPhone 5? But didn't the iPhone 4 just come out?

Here are a few things that I would like to see in iPhone 5:

Improved Antenna
Anyone who remembers the launch of the iPhone 4 will remember th antenna issue and that is one of the first things that Apple should try to fix.
1080p HDMI Output
I know Apple likes to use its own connections (which just makes things difficult for the consumer) but they need to step up and allow the iPhone 5 to output in full HD mode. It is essential for a high end multimedia device.
Improved Battery Life
This is something that can be expected but more is always better. The iPhone is made to use all the time for everything so a new battery needs to hold up to a lot of heavy use.
4G Network
The iPhone 5 will be sure to take advantage of the new 4G network.
Flash Support
Just me dreaming. Apple isn't getting friendly with Adobe anytime soon.

These are just a few things that I would like to see in a new Apple iPhone 5. What would you like to see?

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